Kitty - our BigBlackCat


A website address should be short, snappy and memorable.

If so named, there is a good chance that friends, colleagues, and family will stand a good chance of:pelling the address; and therefore

- remembering the address; and

- spelling the address; and therefore

- finding the website without having to ask me time after time.

When I decided to buy my own domain name, I soon found that any such titles related to walking had already been taken.

Around about that time, Kitty our old black pussy cat passed away. Somehow, it seemed appropriate to name the website in her honour. After all, she was very keen on the great outdoors.

Of course, if you knew Kitty you would realise that BigBlackCat is a bit of a misnomer. This is the cat that spent her first three weeks with us hidden under the sofa, and even after ten years would still creep upstairs and hide until any visitors had been gone for at least half-an-hour.

"FeebleBlackCat" doesn't really have the same impact, and to be honest, after twelve years of exemplary behaviour (apart from the odd bout of carpet-scratching) it would be a bit of an insult to her memory.

So, there you have it. She may have been a bit skittish and weedy, she may well have been mostly skin and bone, and in later years she certainly had a large number of grey hairs, but always in her mind, and in ours, she was most definitely a BigBlackCat.